- When I grow up
- Landmark - SOLD
- Tangled
- Feeling Groovy
- Reflective Moments
- Castaway
- Harmony
- Perception
- Sunset on the Pacific Trail
- Time Stood Still
- Over the Hump - SOLD
- Good Morning - SOLD
- Markings - SOLD
- Glacial View
- If Trees Could Talk - SOLD
- Nature's Symphony
- Quiet Reflection - SOLD
- Strength of One - SOLD
- Outstanding - SOLD
- Abstracted View
- Wild and Free - SOLD
- Walk in the Park
- Look Up, Look Way Up - SOLD
- Pacific shoreline - SOLD
- Around the corner
- A Tree with a View - SOLD
- Watcher of the Woods - SOLD
- Yoquet ~ Where the Wind Blows - SOLD
- Heading out to Sea - SOLD
- Fall Splendor - SOLD